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Somatic Movement

Agency starts with what scientists call interoception, our awareness of our subtle sensory, body-based feelings: the greater that awareness, the greater our potential to control our lives.

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Somatic Movement is a movement practice and class during which the focus is on inner perception and experience (interoception). We activate the connection with the sensing, feeling and knowing body in a way that is trauma-sensitive and has a calming and stabilizing effect. A regular somatic movement practice in everyday life can make a crucial difference on the way to greater wellbeing and a better regulated nervous system.  


I offer regular somatic movement training in small groups. The class is exercise-centered and adapted to the individual needs of the participants. I also convey important basic information about the nervous system and offer a repertoire of exercises that can be incorporated into your own practice routine as well applied to everyday life situations.  


Somatic movement training is also possible in an individual setting upon request.  


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